Sports News

With the change of Covid regulations and being given the go ahead by the Department of education to start sport again, Farrarmere Sport has blossomed this term.
We were able to get all our junior learners interacting in our Mini Sport programme, ranging from, Mini tennis, Mini Hockey and Mini Cricket. What a great turnout this was!

We are sure we have planted many seeds for our budding young athletes. On a more formal front we were able to partake in our cricket league. We are very proud to announce that 4/5 teams will be competing in the finals of the league.


Well done to Aiden Reyneke for scoring 3 100’s in a row! We are super proud of you! Keep flying the flag high!


Hockey and Tennis

On the Hockey side we had many friendly games and the passion and love for this sport is growing in leaps and bounds! (Watch this space!)
For all our individual sportsmen, we have had a successful Tennis season and our teams did very well in their respective tournaments.

Important dates:
30 September, Thursday- Cross Country Interhouse during school time. Children to come dressed in PT kit and house colour shirt.
11 October, Monday- Grade 2&3 Swimming trials after school from 13:45-15:00
12 October, Tuesday- Grade 4&5 Swimming trials after school from 14:00-15:15
15 October, Friday- Grade 6&7 Swimming trials after school from 14:00-15:15

Keep and eye out for our new sport starting in Term 4 on our school sport web page!


FPS Heritage Day


Grade 3 Quiz Results

Congratulations to the Grade 3 children for participating in a fun Quiz!

Lets have a look at which house came first!

  • 1st Place – Woburn
  • 2nd Place – Howard
  • 3rd Place – Bedford
  • 4th Place – Farrar