September Updates 2022

From the Headmistress

Thank you to everyone who was able to join our concert last week. It was a real ‘feel good’ concert and was refreshing to be back watching our children perform on stage once more, and to have a hall packed with parents, friends, and past pupils. In the words of one of our parents, “The costumes were beautiful and vibrant, the music was a diverse representation of our nation and the talent was authentic and heart warming.” It was indeed! Meanwhile our hockey and cricket teams have excelled with 8 Teams making it to finals. Not to be outdone our U12 netball girls were selected to play in the SA competition in the fast 5 format.


Congratulations to Grade 7s Eireann De Witte, Keagan De Witte and Nathan Kuit for going through
to the provincial round of the Science Olympiad! As well as Keagan de Witte (captain), Rebecca
McKelvey, Riley Glass and Caylum de Wet who are our Inter-Primary Quiz winners.


Thank you to staff for taking our Grade 5 and 6 students away on camp – a great time of fun and
learning has been had by all.

FPS Superstars!

Well done Grade 7’s; Eireann De Witte, Keagan De Witte and Nathan Kuit for going through to the provincial round of the Science Olympiad!

Well done Inter-Primary Quiz Team Winners Riley glass, Keagan de Witte (Captain) Rebecca McKelvey and Caylum de Wet.

Congratulations to the overall Grade winners and runner up grade winners from the Benoni Eisteddfod Prizegiving.

Alexi Dandoulakis Gr3E, recently participated in a Regional Maths Competition for A+ Students, where she received the “Champions of Champions” title, awarded to the top achiever in her category. She was then selected to participate in the National event and was awarded the “Champions” title, for the second achiever in her category!
