From the School Office

Public Benefit Organisation

Farrarmere Primary is now approved and entitled to issue Section 18A receipts. This translates to:

  • Section 18A receipt means a special prescribed receipt issued under section 18A by a section 18A-approved organisation potentially entitling the donor to an income tax deduction for donations made.
  • Farrarmere Primary can issue 18A receipts on donations made for the benefit of Subsidised Learner Education.
  • No receipts can be issued for personal relief of school fees paid.

For further information regarding 18A Receipts, please e-mail:
Ms. A. Jubber

Your Contact Details

Should your address, telephone number, email address, etc. alter at any time, it would be appreciated if you could immediately advise the school office, in writing, so that we may keep our records up-to-date and that you are contactable in an emergency. Parents, once again, we ask that you please refrain from dropping off lunches, left at home projects, stationery, etc. at school. We cannot disrupt lessons to call children down for these items, not even before break. Please teach your child to be responsible by packing their bags daily and to be accountable for leaving items at home. These are life skills that all children need to develop.


Please ensure that all learners have at least TWO spare masks in their bags. There are a number of learners whose masks break and then they request masks from the office. The Department of Education do not supply us with masks, so these are ordered at the school’s expense. Thank you for your co-operation in this matter.

~FPS COVID Safety Team~