Fond Farewell

Important Dates

Sadly, this term we will be saying goodbye to Mrs Strijdom as she returns to the corporate world and Ms Harris who will be taking up a promotion post.

1 SeptemberSpring Day celebrations (see details below)
1 & 2 SeptemberStudy skills course – Grade 6
6 SeptemberCompulsory for all pupils to be in full summer uniform
6 & 7 SeptemberStudy skills course – Grade 7
14 – 20 SeptemberCycle Tests
22 SeptemberSchool photo day
23 SeptemberScience Show – Grade 6/7
25 SeptemberPublic Holiday

Cycle Tests

DATEGrade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7
14 SeptemberHistoryNoneNoneAfrikaans
15 SeptemberNoneHistoryGeographyHistory
16 SeptemberGeographyNoneNoneGeography
17 SeptemberNS & TechNS & TechNS & TechNS
20 SeptemberMathsMathsMathsMaths

School Uniform

With the warmer weather upon us, no gloves or beanies to be worn to school. Children can wear either full summer or full winter uniform until the 6th September when Summer uniform will be compulsory. A reminder that gel is not allowed to be used in the hair. Clarity on hair and uniform rules can be found in the school code of conduct on the D6 Communicator in RESOURCES under the INFORMATION DOCUMENTS tab.