August Updates 2022
From the Headmistress
‘Whatever you hold in your mind on a consistent basis is exactly what you will experience in your
life.’ Tracy Robbins.
With this in mind, we try and focus on creating as many positive opportunities as possible for our children, whether it be academic, sport, cultural or community. Awareness activities creating the future through positive thinking is the way forward. What a pleasure it is to work with children and parents who make use of all the opportunities we offer. It is a common fact that we will never all agree, but let’s always respect one another.
We’ve had a very successful sporting season so far in Cross country, cricket, hockey and netball where we are through to the Gauteng round in the tournament.
Congratulations to all our ‘family’ who completed the comrades. Farrarmere Primary salutes you. Please continue to support community events as the sum of all parts makes up the whole.
Academically our Grade 7s went through to the next round in the Natural Science Olympiad and Keagan de Witte has been invited to go to the Technology Olympiad. Our learners finished second in the EMS Olympiad and Teeghan Sawyer has made it through to the Provincial Round in the Grade 4 Science Fair.
There are just a few tickets left for our concert – they can be bought from the Accounts office (next to Paganini) from 7:10 -7:45 in the morning. Please do come along and enjoy the return to the stage of our pupils.
Mr Steenkamp from our IT department has been invited to be part of the IT exhibitions in the Cape and Johannesburg. We look forward to him leading the way, at Farrarmere Primary, growing our coding and Robotics fields. Let us forge ahead in a disciplined and respectful way to bring positivity and joy to all who come into contact with any person associated with Farrarmere Primary.
Dates to Remember:
1 September | Cake and Candy |
2 September | Entrepreneurs Day |
6 September | Term 3 Cycle tests start |
13 September | Photo Day |
16 September | Concert Dress Rehearsal and Grandparents concert |
20 – 23 September | Concert |
26 – 30 September | Gr 6 tour |
27 – 30 September | Gr 5 tour |
30 September | Last day of the term. School closes at 12:00 |
Uniform & Pokemon Cards
Summer uniform is optional from Thursday, 1st September. Full summer uniform will be compulsory from Monday 12 September. With the weather getting warmer , we are going to be stricter about the wearing of the school caps. No cap, no play. Please ensure your child’s name is in the cap.
After much consideration, we are banning Pokémon cards from school. They are causing fights between the children and the focus is more on Pokémon swopping than school work. This ban applies to Checkers shopping toys, marbles and fidgets. As much as we want the children to have fun, our priority is learning and co-existing in peace. We hope you understand and support this decision